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Afterparty Song for Mark's Wedding

She’s Yours

Well Mark you moved to Japan and you found her
A beautiful girl who came at the perfect hour
You’re about to start a brand new life
Together with your brand new wife

She used to kind of hate you or I guess that’s just the rumor
We’re still not really sure how you managed to woo her
Remember that you’re not the catch
She’s more than your match

You don’t have to wait no more
No more
You’re married now, she’s yours

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You opened up your mind, oh Megumi—for a
Chubby little boy from the Philippines
You looked into your heart and you found love love love love

Don’t be surprised if you find us eating in your house
We’re just one big family
It’s our God-intended right to be loved loved loved loved loved

You don’t have to wait no more
No more
You’re married now, he’s yours
There’s no need to complicate
This life is short
This is your fate
He’s yours

Ad lib

Before you whisk her off on your honeymoon carriage
Don’t forget tonight, it’s time to consummate the marriage
Just kidding man
But not really (high fives)

(Look at each other) Re-
member to keep the Lord in your hearts
Walking on your journey, Megumi and Mark
A union that’s bonded through
The Savior who died for you

You don’t have to wait no more
No more
You’re married now, she’s yours
There’s no need to complicate
This life is short
This is your fate
He’s yours

There’s no need to complicate
This life is short
This is your fate
She’s yours