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Think Before You Sleep

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Lenten Meditation: The Honest Confession

This meditation was part of Grace’s 2023 Lenten Meditations Series, As Jesus Taught Us to Pray (available via podcast). The meditations in this series were written and read by members of the Grace Pres community, and collectively follow the outline set by the Lord’s Prayer. You can listen to this episode here (podcast).

Today is Wednesday the 22nd of March and this week we are focusing our prayers on the Forgiveness of God as demonstrated in the Lord’s Prayer when Jesus prays: “Forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.”


As I enter prayer now, I pause...

Lenten Meditation: Kingdom Come

This meditation was part of Grace’s 2023 Lenten Meditations Series, As Jesus Taught Us to Pray (available via podcast). The meditations in this series were written and read by members of the Grace Pres community, and collectively follow the outline set by the Lord’s Prayer. You can listen to this episode here (podcast).

Today is Friday the 10th of March and this week we are focusing our prayers on the The Kingdom and Will of God as demonstrated in the Lord’s Prayer when Jesus prays: “Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in...

Tribute to Kevin Chen

It was early in the afternoon on a Thursday in the middle of January when the text came. I had been staying at my parents’ for the holidays and had planned to return to the Bay Area to restart my community group at church after a month-long hiatus.

I glanced at the message preview, and my stomach sank.

Hi all, You are receiving this because you have been a big part of my life here…

Taking a deep breath, I unlocked my phone and forced myself to read the rest.

“Oh man…,” I responded, not knowing what else to say.

After an exchange of...

A Study on Noah

One Friday in 2012, I led a Bible study on the story of Noah for a dwindling fellowship at Stanford. It was, I think, the second to last lecture that I gave to that group. The fellowship closed its doors after that year.

The study was especially memorable to me, not just because it was one of the last, but also because it went really well—much better than I had any right to expect. For the first time, I didn’t write everything out. Everything just flowed. They say that teaching is one of the most effective ways to learn, and...

Church Search

The past September marked a full seven years of attending Grace Presbyterian Church (a.k.a. Grace Pres). A good friend of mine had been extolling its virtues years before I attended my first service there, and as graduation drew near, my excitement grew at the prospect of a new place, a new start. (While I sought robust preaching, I was also looking for ways to meet new people, à la Abraham’s servant, but that’s another story…) Recently, I finished Christless Christianity by Michael Horton, which, by the way, is excellent. (I recommend everyone to read it before settling on a...

2024–2025 Reading Log

  • Amusing Ourselves to Death
  • Nemesis Games (The Expanse Book 5)
  • Babylon’s Ashes (The Expanse Book 6)
  • World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie Wars
  • Socrates in Sichuan
  • Persepolis Rising (The Expanse Book 7)
  • Infinite Powers: How Calculus Reveals the Secrets of the Universe
  • Stolen Focus