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Congrats on the rewrite! Now powered by Clojure, woo!!!

Marek Kurek

Cool content! <3

Sunny Kang

Dropping by after seeing this page on your fb! Your About Me section is hilarious :p I think I can spend a whole day or two reading through your website!


I'm desperately trying to hack your game "Rocks 2". I'm the author of the DxWnd tool that makes fullscreen programs run in a window, and this small VB program is defeating all my efforts.
Actually, the problem is not limited to this game, but I chosed it as a practical test case for the wide class of interpreted VB6 programs.
May I ask you some details about how you wrote the 1024x768 resolution check that blocks the game at startup? Please, write me at my email address.
Thanks in advance,


Just leaving a message here

Naishen Liang

Hi, Xuan
I am a research scientist in Japan.
I am trying to make my research's homepage.
I am very interested in the outline that you designed for Dr. Yuqi Luo.
It is possible I can use your design?



Rocks 3 for Windows 10!! :)

Isaac Tan


I am currently working on my own Maths EE on a similar topic, which in fact was partly inspired by yours. I was wondering if it would be, assuming your method hold true for all functions around all lines, alright for me to use your method as a 'test' to verify the answers I obtain? Also, I am having some trouble with making graphs around slant axis; may I ask how you managed to do your graphs? I look forward to hearing from you!

God bless,

Brian Basham

Hi : )
I came across Xuan-Wu while searching for organizations to reach out to about bible
study tools. The educational research, resources, and information that you are providing
is excellent.

I contacted you because I'm the Director of Community Outreach at Bible Sprout. Our
mission is to educate young Christians with access to the top biblical resources
(translations, commentaries, dictionaries) on the web. We’ve also compiled hundreds of
bible questions and answers to help young Christians in strengthen their faith to
become tomorrow’s leaders for Christ.

I noticed that you have a link for bible study resources, here -
I think our site would be a great addition and benefit to
your users. Do you mind including our link as well?

Blessings In Christ
Brian : )


I too was a fan of Asterax when we had our old Performa! I was looking around for the game or a port I could play on a PC, and found your Rocks 2 game- it's great! I've been playing it way too much lately. I have to say, it's much harder than the original, though I like the challenge. The only thing that's frustrating is the suicide collisions of the bad guys- they are impossible to stop, and if the game decides to throw a few of them in a row at you, you're toast! Anyway, great game, thanks again!!

Andy Crofts

S'funny - stumbled on this because I was looking to fix a quadruplet of nadgered Arduino Pro Mini's.
This Stupid Wabbit set PortB as all output, forgetting the crystal is on that port!
Anyway, hope you don't mind me browsing.
(Oh, and that thing about "Goals are for losers!" - SPOT ON!!!!)
Oulu, Finland


Nice writing and site .. enjoyed it .. Thanks for sharing ..




So guys, u fixed your broken arduino here:

Looks like just uploaded boot loader to the broken arduino, but were you successful to further use usual way of uploading scketches to it via USB? (Not through external programmer)


I love the background!




Xuan- fascinating. glad to know you better and how talented you are as an artist!


PS. Feel free to email me. I understand this is a guestbook now (I'm slow). Though your site is very beautiful. Typeface, layout, spacing.


Thanks for having a guestbook. It's like a nice opportunity to say hi and also thank you for sharing your thoughts.

Maybe I've read through or skimmed a dozen of your posts- with quite a few resonant feelings. Like "We want one thing, but we also want the opposite thing. I want reader sympathy, but I don't want to be categorized as emo"

Similarly, I want to have a nice colloquy with you, but not really bore or annoy you (although I'll be honest, maybe I care about you insofar as it affects how I will be able to get what I want. I've recently been reading about narcissism and I feel like I'm pretty typical. But, you shared your story, and I like you because of your honesty).

Anyways, the year of humbling is something I've been grappling with for years. "God thus began to awaken me from this illusion of self-sufficiency." Waking up is so hard when the bed is warm and the world is cold. And from observation, I feel like I've lost the motivation for most aspects of my life.

So, that's why one quote caught my attention "The greatest obstacle to my research—namely, the lack of motivation—was miraculously taken away." Can you advise me on motivation? Namely, your ability for example, to not study for a Stats test for 3 days, and still pull of a 4.0? To procrastinate and still do when it needs to be done? When lasers need to be displayed, to go on a few hours. That determination. What is that? One of my fears is asking "why?" can debilitate progress. I don't mean to make it slow yours, but if you have any ideas.

My problems are very hard for me- maybe I'm not asking the right questions, and I have no idea if it's even fair to ask a stranger. But, here's a shot in the dark.



Like the visitor below me, I landed here seeking a game as close to Asterax as could be found. I was pleasantly surprised by this page, and your shared wisdom. Good stuff.


Nice site! I came here after looking for a way to run one of my favorite childhood games on a Windows 7 machine, Asterax. I saw Rocks 2 and downloaded that, but I'm getting a direct X error with that version, even running in compatibility mode.

I see you have Rocks 3 in your gallery as well, but no download link? Any chance I could try that out? Are you selling it on a market somewhere?



Jennifer Pang

很好的网站. 我喜欢这简单布局...


Just come to your website suddenly. I saw something related with me, so sweet and tears:) BTW, I like your statement of wisdom, and I like the phrase "quarter-life crisis". Haha, I am already trapped there, and you are not far away from. o_O

Stephanie Lam

Great website! Looks fantastic and elegant.

L Yosh

Xuan, someone has revealed you. The spam countermeasure is brilliant so I had to comment and say hello.