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Simon’s been with us for two weeks now. I met him at Tsinghua two summers ago. He was gracious enough to show me around Tsinghua and help me with research, even though he wasn’t really assigned to be my partner. In any case, he’s now a visiting researcher to Stanford and is living with us at 307.

He’s a really smart guy. I think he was ranked 5th at Tsinghua University, which is one of China’s top universities. He’s also a decent cook, and I’ve been learning quite a bit from him. Hopefully, both of our skills 会更上一层楼。

Regarding Chinese, I found this very cool software for Linux and Windows, called StarDict. Hurray for international support in Linux! With StarDict available and SCIM now mature, typing and interpreting Chinese and Korean is easy as pie. I am considering becoming a part-time volunteer developer for StarDict.

Anyway, it’s Valentine’s day, and yes, I’m still single, thanks for asking. =P The weather’s been very nice these past few days, 但每当我骑车去上课时,就会希望有谁能跟我共享这美丽的天地万物。 只好再等下去了。