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Quals III (Letter I)

Dear fellow brothers and sisters,

This letter is late. I would like to have written it earlier, but I didn’t have the heart to write it. When I learned to be content again, I thought it was too late to write it. But it’s never too late.

I would like to express my appreciation and gratitude for all that the fellowship has done and is doing. I have been truly blessed by your presence in my life, and this quarter gives me all the more reason to praise God for you. To all who prayed for my qualifying exams, to all who provided me with food in the busiest of times, to all who offered to provide me food, to all who contributed to the supportive posters, to all who gathered outside McCullough at my last exam, I want to say THANK YOU.

I realized that Friday that my performance did not and would not affect my standing before God or my relationships with all of you. Yet I still struggled. Despite continually going to Matthew 6:25 - 34 (especially 6:33) for reassurance, I worried. I worried about my exams before I took them, and I worried about my future after getting the results. When I found out that I did not pass, I had trouble believing that “in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28).

My advisor offered to appeal for me, but I was skeptical that it would amount to anything. But praise be to God, who said to Paul, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness” (2 Corinthians 12:9). For in my academic weakness, God has shown His grace, which is sufficient to bring me to where He wants me. By His grace, and not by my own ability, I have received the following: “Dear Mr. Wu: I am pleased to report that the Qualifying Examination Review Committee, after reviewing your petition and supporting documents, has voted to pass you in the Electrical Engineering Ph.D. Qualifying Examination.”

To all who are struggling with academics, to all who wonder what the future may hold, to all who are being broken, to all who are searching for contentment: let us be humble about our abilities; let us put our trust in God and not in men; let us seek first His kingdom and His righteousness. For God is ever faithful and keeps His promises, and gives us “all these things.” Amen.

Your brother and servant in Christ,
