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Post-Finals Break

Finals week ended for me on Wednesday afternoon, but the franticness did not subside.

Thursday, I ran errands, cleaned up my room, ordered GRE scores for my fellowship applications, went to the gym, and practiced piano. Friday, I made a trip to the airport, did laundry, packed, and helped host a gathering at 307.

Today, I safely arrived at home by the mercy of God. This break is the first lull I’ve had in a while in the storm that is graduate school. Every break so far, I’ve had been preoccupied with the next stage of the journey, whether it was applying to graduate school, preparing for Quals, studying for an interview, or researching research groups. This time, I have to finish my graduate research fellowship applications, but I have some time in between. (Let’s hope I don’t put it off too close to the deadline.)

I’ve always brought home a lot of stuff with the optimistic notion that I would accomplish a lot over break. I hoped to finish reading books, finish programming Rocks 3, finish drawing my latest portraits, finish learning a piano piece. But this time, I left the books at school. I know I’ll be spending a lot of time just relaxing and playing; it’s what I always did. Nevertheless, one can always hope—and try. So here’s to my finishing Rocks 3 before Winter quarter begins.